Take me out to the ball game.
On Saturday night I attended my second ever baseball game. Call me un-American, guffaw if you will....but I'm from Virginia and there ain't no professional baseball in ol' Virginny! Except for Mama and Daddy's neighborhood softball team when I was little, and maybe some Tee-Ball, I hadn't seen a baseball game live until Kevin and his family took me to my first one last summer in Cincinnati.
I had no idea it was so much fun! No wonder it's America's favorite pasttime!
This past Saturday the Colorado Rockies played the Cincinnati Reds. Kevin was the rabble-rauser and cheered loudly for the Reds. I really wasn't that embarrassed. This is our view from where we were sitting in Coors Field:

My favorite things about seeing a baseball game are the food (peanuts! nachos! big pretzels!), the big jumbotron where they show unsuspecting fans picking their nose or staring weirdly into space, and naturally, the icy cold beverages! Look at us, just look how happy we are to be watching baseball:

Kevin was totally sneaky (and economical!) about pouring Jim Beam into our Coke. Here, he looks up with pride at a Kentucky-job well done:

I got close to the railing, you know, just in case they wanted to put me on the "Flex-a-tron." Or maybe even the "Kiss-a-tron." I would have really been into that:

Baseball games are cheap. Baseball games are on the bus line so you never have to drive to them. Baseball games are good people watching. Baseball games allow you to practice your singing skills during the 7th Inning Stretch.
And perhaps most importantly, baseball games are a great way to bond with your man. Because, you know, that's the secret. Girls who like sports always win. (Wink, Wink).
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