Someone better be a good girl today.

As I fumbled with my key in the door on my way out this morning, I paused guiltily.
I looked at Lucy in her crate, licking her peanut butter-filled kong with glee. At that very moment, I decided to let her roam free in the house today.
In the past, we have trusted her with this very special privilege.
And in the past, she has let us down with various forms of puppy debauchery.....chewed up magazines, knawed-on windowsills, cat litter on the living room floor.
But other times, she's been golden, a precious angel.
Today, with denver going on a high of 90 degrees, is another one of those trusting days. I even took her for a run this morning, so hopefully that will squelch her desire to be naughty. After all, on our run she... chased a squirrel into the street, jumped in a nasty, muddy creek, ran after 2 stinky dogs, lunged at a goose (who I thought was, in turn, going to attack me), and made me run 2 extra blocks to find her just about to roll in something heinous. Isn't that enough naughtiness for one day?
Mama's watching you, stinky poops.
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