Lucy: Pet of the Year
(Note: Last week you'll recall that I submitted Lucy for Pet of the Week. Well, she won Pet of the YEAR. Below is the picture and story that featured our little precious punkin eater for the cutie pie she is!)

lucy backpacking
Originally uploaded by Rosalicious.
My full name is Lucy Fela Turner McDermott, but I can’t tell you the last time I was called that. My parents never even call me just Lucy. It’s always stinky-poopy-punkin-something or other; and stupid names having to do with birds and bunnies and doodles, whatever those are.
Even though I think my mom and dad are, like, really weird, I still wag my tail and jump all around like I am totally digging their baby talk. I mean, how else are they gonna keep giving me all those cool treats and the doggie stuff I totally love? Let me tell you, those peanut butter-filled Kongs I get every morning are enough to lick my daddy’s toes three times over! I so, like, don’t care what I have to do to be cute—as long as I get my goods!
Right now I’m so totally into the runs I take with mom (she insists on running with me to the dog park and sometimes she acts really uncool there and I get embarrassed in front of the cute boys) and the hikes I take with my dad. Dad works for the Forest Service and gets to drive a really big truck. That’s so rad! I hope I can take me and all my friends to prom in it.
A little more about me- I’m 2.3 in dog years, so that’s like 16 in people years. Mom says at this age I give her “a run for her money”. Not sure what that means, but she’s always saying weird stuff like that. She also claims I give her “cute attacks.” Hey, whatever, dude--it gets me what I want! Once there was this collar at Old Navy that I really wanted—it was light blue and said “I Love Snow” on it. Well, all I did was give mom one of those “cute attacks” and the collar was mine!
Oh yeah, I have one older brother- Hendrix. He’s a pretty big guy—18.5 lbs, which I hear is a lot for a cat. I love having an older brother. He totally looks out for me and hooks me up with his food. I’ve learned a lot from him—like how to successfully wake mom and dad up in the middle of the night to go outside without them getting mad and how to get mom and dad let me get on the couch. Hendrix rocks.
Anyway, I hope you will pick me for pet of the week next time. Mom says it will look really good on my college applications.
Rosie, you're hilarious!! I liked the part about Hendix teaching her how to get you up in the middle of the night and otherwise get anything you want. He is quite good and getting his needs met. Hurray for getting you snookie doodles published!!
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