Holy crap! Is it Monday already?
Jeeezz....the weekend went by wayyyyy too fast!
Saturday afternoon I went up to Copper for Sunsation. Toots and the Maytals played.....it was really, really crowded. But it was an absolutely gorgeous day! Check out the blue sky against the white slopes! I LOVE COLORADO!

It was very much a family affair. Family number one, the Crawfords: Emily, Chris, and Danny (I feel like I am introducing them for Family Feud!):

Family number two, the Broughtons: Ben, Sara, Christian, and Tucker (not pictured....probably hanging on the fence behind):

Um, and then me - I fit in somewhere, in this case right in the middle:

Dude, we look young. Can you believe we're all 30 (Sara- almost)? I speak for all of us when I say that rocks...I pretty much forced my ID on the ID checker. "Look at me, look at me....I'm 30!" Heee...obnoxious.
I also shot a movie at a bar after the Toots and the Maytals show....someone will have to show me how to post my movies on this blog! I am loving the video feature on my camera! FUNNNNN.
Did you all know that Toots is a polygamist? No? Me either. I think his name is also pronounced "tuts" instead of "tooooots." Who knew...
I know this may come as a shocker but yesterday was hangover free! I spent 2 hours digging up every dandelion plant in the yard. I know I pooh-poohed the weeding...but I just couldn't help myself, and it was too sunny and lovely to be anywhere but outdoors. So I made myself useful. Consequently, my back is burnt to a crisp and my bum is sore from squatting. But damn...not a little yellow flower in sight!
(For the record, I am still sad about the garden situation).
After dandelion pickin' Lu-bird and I took a walk, I washed my car, and then I baked up some tastylicious eggplant parm. I told Kevin that I'm trying to be more like Carmela Sporano...
Speaking of which, we missed The Sopranos last night. What happened?
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