Chicas locas.
Believe it or not, this was my first trip to Vegas. Oops. I really just wrote Vegas! Ha ha!! Cancun is totally the Vegas of Mexico. Good lord. Anyway, it was definitely the spring break trip I never had in college....well, kinda. I did come out to Breckenridge from VA one spring break to snowboard. But this, THIS was my first tropical, all-girl, get-completely-hammered-out-of-your-mind, spring-breaky style trip and from now on, I'm set on taking one every year for life. No husbands, no kids....just GIRLS ONLY and a shitload of sunshine, trashy magazines, dancing, and liquor. Lots of liquor.
We stayed at the NH Krystal. It was walking distance to everything, which was great. There was minimal construction on our place, but everyplace else? Oh yeah....tons. At least every building had walls ripped off and no landscaping. The destruction from the hurricane last year was really made me feel sad. I also felt sad for seeing an Outback Steakhouse down the street, so maybe that's besides the point.
Our hotel had the best beach and pool area. Here's the view from our room:

Oh my god.....I'm so fucking addicted to beach vacations! There really is nothing better than sitting by ocean drinking cocktails all day. NOTHING. I mean, seriously. I'm hard pressed to think of anything right now.
We probably consumed about 5 gallons of tequila. Mostly in shot form. Here we are at La Distileria. This was the first night. They served our tequila shots (good ones, not Jose) with tomato juice.....mmmmmmmm. I LOVE YOU GOOD TEQUILA.

And here we are on the second day, at the infamous Slices, taking another shot. This time of something akin to Smurf Piss:

We had about 8 or 9 of these EACH. It was their Slices "specialty"...ha ha. I don't know if it had any alcohol in it, but they were free and true to the alcoholic nature of all of us, we drank every damn thing that came our way.
Me and one of my many Mexican boyfriends, Jose. Jose had grills. They were kind of sexy.

I had another Mexican boyfriend too, Gerardo, our bellman. "I love you hair, you like MOVIE STAR." We got pretty serious and then he dumped me on the last night. Ha ha. He took very good care of us.
And would I ever leave Cancun without dancing on a bar somewhere? Keep in mind that it's only about 2 PM on our second day in this picture.

Clearly the chicas locas have only just gotten started. And clearly it's too bad for the chicas locas that they're friends with a blogger. I think everyone was too shitfaced all weekend to ask the age-old question: IS THIS GOING ON THE BLOG?
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