Leaves, new.
'Tis been a lovely weekend in the rosalicious domestic compound.
Yesterday, after an unsuccessful venture to the Tennyson Street Farmer's Market, Lucy and I decided to take a hike.
Ummmmm, this part of the trail had that Colorado smell I LOVE- warm pine trees!

My girl loves to swim:

And run:

And pose for pictures with her mama ;)

Let's not forget about sticks, STICKS! Yummmmm:

I miss living in the mountains with National Forest right behind our house. Trails were Lucy's daily walk! Trails with NO LEASH LAWS. Yeah, we got in a wee bit of trouble.....but it's not like I was letting Lucy run around like the wild dingo from hell....we were practically IN the river, away from people. Damn rules...they are what they are, right BABY? (Kevin is responsible for the writing of tickets for dogs-off-leash in the Nat'l Forest. Heh, so that's where we hike!)
Last night Jenn came over for dinner - I grilled chicken on the grill and made a big delicious salad and we reminisced about the Telluride days of yore ;)
Today has been a cloudy, cool wonderful day for reading and running. I am (was- I finished in 2 days!) completely engrossed in a really great book - The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. I remember seeing her on Oprah but didn't know this was her book when I checked it out....it's amazing the life this woman lived (and hid for years)and the fact that she lives (from what I can tell) virtually anger-free towards her parents. I do love me a good memoir.
K and I just returned from dinner- we didn't make the movie in time (An Inconvienient Truth) so that's for another night this week.....we ate at Jack 'N Grill where the portions are out of control and now I feel like I want to die.....enzymes: do your thang!
The TV has not been on once this weekend (except Friday night we watched a movie: Happy Endings. Interesting flick, pretty good) and I haven't missed it AT.ALL! Yay! I even started working on some writing. A new leaf, people. A big fat new creative leaf.
LOVE the Mommy and Lucy pix!
thanks....even though i am awfully and abnormally pink in that picture!
Great sunglasses! Love them.
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