The post-vacay FUNK is over!
Welllll, you'll all be happy to know that I've finally come out of my post-Telluride funk. No longer am I gloomyschmoomy from not doing this anymore:

Or this:

Or even this:

Seriously, the last 2 days I haven't felt good at all......I've been tired and grumpy and unenthused about life. Like, why can't life be all mountainy laid-back fun all the time instead WORK and CITY and TRAFFIC and HEAT? Then I gave myself a huge smack on the head and realized that HELLO I still live in Colorado, not Missouri or New Jersey, and hey- WORK is the reason I am able to do such things. Plus, a good night's sleep didn't hurt either.
Today I felt great all day was awesome! I ran for 40 minutes over lunch and could have kept going but I wanted to do some arm work. I thought it would be hard as hell after drinking and smoking (ahem.....not necessarily cigs) for days on end, but surprisingly it felt sooooo good. That's what makes me love running.....y'all know....that feeling. I have been invited to join a team for the Outward Bound Relay....24 hours, 170 mountain miles. I don't know....I still can't commit but I'm thinking how good it would be.
And lest you start to think I'm all sporty mcgoo, I just made a trip to Applejack, my favorite place to score wine, well besides Corks, and got some good deals! I am drinking one right now ;) And cooking a tortilla and pinto bean casserole.....uummmmmmmm. My life, as you all verrrrry well know, is not strictly about buzzes of the endorphin variety.
I've been all into the craft blog reading lately and I am totally inspired to ban TV for the summer and MAKE. I used to be so crafty and it's just all sorta fallen by the wayside. I think some creativity will perk me up....also, I just read on Helen Jane's blog that she did a Media Fast. This sounds like another remedy to my malaise....I read about all these awesome things people are doing and then feel bad about myself....I'm not artsy enough, or a good enough writer, or I'm not publishing a book, or blah blah blah I need a haircut.
(Seriously, I need that haircut. My mane is SHAGGY and DRY. Ick)
I feel like if I'm not filling my brain with other people's ideas then I'll focus on my own. I'm a smart girl (yeahyeah), really, and I know that there are some truly fabulous concepts floating around in there somewhere.
Anyway, other stuff I'm digging...
- I just gave my first ever performance reviews to my staff this week. Went well, but I'm glad it's over. I hope and want to be a good manager.....I'm still trying to fit into that role.
- Latin and caribbean music makes me feel so summery....Manu Chao is coming to the Fillmore! Psyched!
- Recipes from my former employer
- The Ballpark Market...I think it's Sat? No? Well then please move down to stuff I am NOT digging!
- There is a new Jamaican restaurant in our 'hood! When we were in Jamaica we weren't blown away by the food, but now I am craving some JERK. yuummmmmmm!
- Fresh produce and watermelon.....can I get another yummmmmmmmm?! Watermelon!
- Reading magazines
- Eating al fresco and hanging out on my front porch
- That tomorrow is fucking FRIDAY! Weeeeeeeee!
Stuff I am not digging...
- My back pain. I have no idea where it came from, but it's annoying.
- Mt. Vesuvius in the chin region. Ick. I stopped taking the Pill too on my mission to be pill-free in 93 (Stop right there. No babies will be making an appearance 'round here....). I think my hormones are screwy.
- There is a class - NIA - that I really want to take but I am nervous about being the newbie.
- Kevin's long work hours. He doesn't get home until 8 or 9. I miss having summertime night disc golf games and whatnot. Wah.
- My hair. Like I said, it is shitastically hideous right now and I can't get it colored and cut ($150 at my salon) because of...
- My finances. Post-vacation blues indeed!
i get the vegas funk. same symtoms for probably the same reason.
i read that on janes blog too. crazy. i couldn't do it (but i want to).
9 letter catchpa - recockulous!
Hey, you could start your own garden design business and give me a hand fixing up my backyard cause I am CLUELESS in that regard.
Since you are Ms. Gardeny Mc-Garden. And I have beer and vodka and Jager and Jack and Rum in case you get thirsty.
Also, what is Applejack?
Hubs- I can't figure out your riddle...
Kath- Trust me, I would *love* to be a gardeny/planty person as a side career- I love that stuff! I would be happy to give you any advice!
Applejack Liquor's is out in Golden/Wheat Ridge and it is a HUGE liquor store...the drawback is that they only take cash, no credit. They are the by far the cheapest place in town! Esp. on the hard stuff....$18 for a handle of Jim beam!
Be careful what you wish for, Rosalita Margarita :-)
Watch out for an email from me cause I am SO in the mood for spiffin' up my front porch!
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