Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Just another ol' recap.

So.....in case you missed it yesterday, Kevin scored a job - a professional job that uses his Master's degree, offers excellent benefits, and requires standard buiness casual attire of khaki pants and button-downs. Bye-bye USFS and bye-bye USFS uniform. (Wow, typing that just made me a little sad!) Gone are the days of hard labor, assholes who shoot up gates and tear up terrain, and steep hikes....it's cube-land now, baby!

Seriously, we're stoked.

To celebrate, we crossed another restaurant off the list last night: Tamayo. Hmmm, it was good. I guess. The margs were small and pricey and not very strong. I didn't like the atmosphere...it felt weird drinking a marg off a white linen tablecloth. It was too stuffy and unfestive an environment. Come to think of it, there wasn't any music playing. And the flowers on the table were hideous.

Maybe I am still too much all about the hype and goodness of LoLa, I don't know. Tamayo's cuisine was delicious and all but....when the bill came and another Benjamin had to be dropped, I just didn't feel like it was worth it. Blah.

(Thank god K got a big boy job. If the Bens are going to keep dropping like this on all the spendy eating out, we need help. For real.)

After dinner, we joined the local Denver bloggeratti at Jazz @ Jack's for Monkey's Uncle. You can read Kath's live blog account of the first half of the show here. The best part was when Kev and I arrived....ha ha. No, I particularly liked "The Purse Whisperer" (not in the live blogging segment)....a female audience member came on stage and he forsaw her future based on the contents of her purse. Too funny. I am continually impressed with the immense talent of improv...coming up with funny shit on the spot is not easy and these guys do it VERY well =)

On the bus ride home we ran into Homeless Sorority Formal Date again. Ha ha. Remember? The guy I went to spring formal in college with who is now homeless in Denver? Maybe you missed that one. OK, last night he was even weirder than before. He informed me about a corporate takeover in my hometown in Va that "appropriated" his mother and brother. But I didn't have to worry, I'm cool. Clearly, the guy has mental issues. He was never quite right in college but now he has reached new heights. No more attributing it to acid. It's just straight-up, bonafide crazy talk.

Well, one more day until I am set free from the bondage of office hell! Free to fly to Kentucky and drink copious snifters of bourbon! Kev is already gone. And the smell of something chemy is seeping into my office so, I might as well be gone too. See ya turkeys!


At 6:29 PM, Blogger Hubs said...

I think tomayo is great but definitely pricy. is it worth it? well that depends on how much money you have i suppose but lola isn't any cheeper. i suggest you try again in the summer when the upstairs deck is open, it's like a whole 'nother restaurant.

congrats kev.

At 11:36 AM, Blogger African Kelli said...

Many congrats to Kevin! (Although does he get to keep the uniform? Something about a dude in a uniform...)

At 5:18 PM, Blogger hotdrwife said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! So nice to meet you 'live', as well. Have a great holiday, be safe and all that.


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