Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Bang bang.**

I totally don't feel like blogging right now. I had shit to say yesterday, but was too busy, and now? Missed the window of motivation, I guess.

Blah blah, thumb twidling.

Oh alright. I guess I'll try and deliver something......sigh. I totally should be working.

But all you get are bullets. Sorry.

  • Friday night we ate pasta in our jammies and watched Winged Migration. It really made us want to smoke weed. For the critters.....it was weed. Birds are total kitty crack....Biggie Purrs used to have a video he liked to watch called "Video Catnip" and all it was was footage of birds and squirrels in somebody's backyard. Both Lucy and Purrs were all up in the screen with Winged Migration. A family film indeed! =)

  • My date to my sorority's spring formal my freshman year in college in Virginia is now living on a bench in downtown Denver, homeless. I am completely serious.

  • All weekend long Kevin and I found great humor in pointing out moments when we were the "perfect Denver couple." Shit. We drive an Outback, take our dog to the park wearing Chacos and Patagonia, shop at Whole Foods, and drink Fat Tire. How much more sterotypical can you get? We kind of make ourselves want to puke.

  • Somebody took someone (me!) out for a scrumptious dinner involving oysters and Grey Goose martinis. You think he was trying to get laid? Ha!

  • A band began playing Dead covers at the place we had dinner (Highland Pacific) and suddenly I got to the urge to boogie down at a hippie bar - despite the fact that I was sporting a cowl-necked sweater and high-heeled boots. So we drove over to Cervantes and I made Kevin pull the car up alongside all the hippies outside smoking while I hollered out to ask who was playing. "Duuuuuuude, it's Z Juice (or something). He's totally SICK." Um, ok. Nevermind.

  • Kevin declared we were not allowed home until 2 am. I only briefly balked, as I'm sure you're surprised. Shamefully, we were in the car. SHAMEFULLY we were less than a mile from home in A CAR. We couldn't find parking. I said that the next spot we saw we were grabbing and the closest bar to that spot is where we were drinking. Well- what do you know? A spot was open right in front of Double Daughters! Only...a guy was standing in it trying to save it for his friend. Nuh- UH! You can't do that shit. I was proud of Kev- he really took initiative and pulled right in, forcing the guy to jump out of the way. I totally would have done that, but K isn't always as bold as I am. Go baby.

  • Let me repeat this very important mantra: FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE, people. It is super annoying on a standing room-only bus when people try to save seats. It is super annoying in a packed downtown when people try to save parking spots. It is super ANNOYING.

  • The excessive use of all-caps is also annoying. My bad.

  • Sunday was typical. Breakfast at Mercury Cafe, hurtin', nap, football, pizza, O magazine. In that order.

  • And well, here we are. Lamenting over the 3 painting companies who have been no-shows on the painting of our house and the 4th that didn't show up yesterday. That's why none of y'all have been invited over yet. Not until the house glows in all its crisply painted-exterior glory.

**Get it? Bullets! Ha ha.


At 10:58 AM, Blogger African Kelli said...

Stupid thing won't let me leave comments. GAH!

This bullet was my fave:
All weekend long Kevin and I found great humor in pointing out moments when we were the "perfect Denver couple." Shit. We drive an Outback, take our dog to the park wearing Chacos and Patagonia, shop at Whole Foods, and drink Fat Tire. How much more sterotypical can you get? We kind of make ourselves want to puke.

You two are too cute!

At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are KBCO.

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Rosie said...

Wow, hubs, how did you know that KBCO is totally our favorite station? They play SUCH good music.

God, we're even more perfect than I thought!


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