Happy Birthday Sophie!
In the midst of the water pipe crisis yesterday, I forgot to give a big big happy birthday shout-out to my favorite little sister, Sophie.
Sophie is TEN today (err, yesterday actually)! Isn't she cute?

Originally uploaded by Rosalicious.
Sophie was born when I was a sophomore in college. I've always felt more like an auntie than anything, but I love the little gal dearly all the same! I miss her--living across the country is so hard. Everytime I see her she's so much bigger and cuter--and she has the most gorgeous long red hair (just like her Mama and Big Sis!).
Always a spunky little thing (obviously the product of her family, who doesn't hold back), Sophie is the one behind the previously mentioned Puffy Vagina anecdote. When she was about 4 years old, she came running into the living room with her skirt up and her little-girl white tights stuffed in the front with socks. Obviously quite proud of herself (and egged on by my snickering), she goes "Look Rosie! I have a puffy vagina!" It was just too cute for words.
And in honor of this time of year, another bit of cuteness: When Sophie was around the same age as the puffy vagina incident -- 4 -- she received a talking Christmas Bear who recited the Lord's Bedtime Prayer...."Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep..." from our Great-Aunt Carol, who was, shall we say, pretty "country." We swore the bear had the same country accent as Aunt Carol, so we would sing along with the bear in our best country accents, ending with a big ol' "A-MEN" in the most southern of twangs. This never got old--in fact, that bear still comes out every Christmas and it NEVER STOPS BEING FUNNY!
Anyway, welcome to the double digits, sweetheart!
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