I'm up early.
Holy gunsmokes (it's that damn cowgirl purse again, sorry!)....what am I doing up this early? It's 9 am on Sunday morning and I went to bed at 2 am....not completely hammered, but sloshed enough.....2 glasses of wine, 2 dirty vodka martinis, and 2 beers. (Ok...Shut up.) I don't feel terribly hungover--in fact, I have already done some weeding in the yard. It's that tired-dehydrated-but-I-can't-go-back-to-sleep feeling....I hate when this happens.
Annnnyyywaaayyyyy....I have been a crafty little beaver (beaver! ha!) this weekend!
I made a new earring holder out of a picture frame and some chicken wire:

Props to Jessica Emmitt for the idea--sorry darlin', the one you made me wasn't big enough anymore....
I do love me some ear bling.
I also made a few tie purses out of my grandpa's old ties:

Props to the crafty bitch who made Jenn Wachtel's purse for THIS idea
I sent one of these little numbers to my mama for Mother's Day. The ties belonged to her dad. I figured that was a nice sentiment.
(HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TODAY! Call your mom!)
Remember when we scored this little table? Well, I finally got around to mosaic-ing the top:

Now it just needs some matching seat cushions....
We also have a plethora of floral creations about the house right now.
These are my favorite flowers in the whole wide world. DAHLIAS! Kev gave them to me for our anniversary:

Ain't they the purtiest?
I also scored some flowers leftover from work events. I was a little scared they would upstage Kev's anniversary bouquet, but sorry- nothing upstages a DAHLIA. So, I happily brought this cornucopia of loveliness home:

And here's BIGGIE PURRS!

Being, well, Mr. Biggie Purrs.
More of the floral bonanza.....

Not really sure what's on the old agenda for the rest of the day. K is at work, making many busts. You thinking he's a cop? He's a TREE COP! And he looks damn cute in that uniform too!
I need new clothes but I don't get paid until tonight at midnight. Do I want to shop? No- hate shopping. Unless it's at the Home Depot. I should mow grass. I should prepare for my INTERVIEW tomorrow (if you work with me, shhhhhhhhhhhh). I should call Allie. I should call Mom. I should run. I should read my stupid library book that needs to be returned. I thought Shar and Alex said breakfast this morning. I'm hungry. I'm sore. I'm thirsty. I want sweet tea. I want taters.
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