A warm fuzzy (wristlet).
Remember when I signed up for some international craftiness?
Ladies and the 3 or 4 gentleman who read rosalicious....
Straight from the lovely and talented Veronica to rosalicious' American doorstep...
My wristlet! I love it!*

my wristlet from verito!
Originally uploaded by Rosalicious.
Isn't it so unique and beautiful? It's made of felted wool and it's my favorite color.....VERDE!

wristlet being modeled
Originally uploaded by Rosalicious.
And the treats! It's like Chilean Christmas in August!

chilean bounty
Originally uploaded by Rosalicious.
Here is Verito's note:
Tu wristlet es verde por la naturaleza arroyadora del sur de Chile, de material noble, la lana de nuestras orejas trabajado con carino en el fieltro y el diseno esta inspirado en la culturas del norte de Chile.
Hmm. I need a translator. I can't quite figure out "the wool of our ears" part....
But whatever. Spanish schmanish. I love it.
This was an awsome project - connecting women all over the world through art. I love it!
(OK, can I say I LOVE IT just one more time?)
Stay tuned to AfricanKelli for a peek at what yours truly crafted up!
*Verito- A big e-hug for my goodies....thank you!!! xoxoxo
oveja= sheep (behhhbehhh)(not oreja.. jeje)
i'm so happy too!
Translator in effect:
Tu wristlet es verde por la naturaleza arroyadora del sur de Chile, de material noble, la lana de nuestras orejas trabajado con carino en el fieltro y el diseno esta inspirado en la culturas del norte de Chile
She says, "Your wristlet is green to represnt the wilderness of souther Chile. It is made of wool because we have many sheep in my country and I love them. And it is felted through the inspiration of the northern Chilean culture."
I'm not sure that helps, but I think you get the idea. I'm so glad it arrived. I think she did an awesome job!
that did help! thanks ;-)
my spanish just ain't what it used to be.....
jejej the "oreja" was so funny...
and Kelli you are so nice... and yes, that is what i mean...
Hello Rosie! I too participated in Kelli's wristlet swap. What a blast! The wristlets you sent her are beautiful. And I'm dying to know how to make a clock out of a tea box! Tutorial, perhaps? :) I love all things crafty.
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