I am so boring. I feel like all I have to write about lately is the heat, being a lush and all my social goings-on, and my garden. (I really love the phrase "goings-on." It defies convention somehow).
Rest assured--things here in rosalicious' world are changing up a bit. The heat has subsided,
hallelujah. We had a glorious storm yesterday that washed the earth clean, providing much needed rain to my precious garden (here I go again). I actually used my covers last night! EEEEE!!
Speaking of covers, my recent overstock.com (love it!) purchase arrives today. It's a set of 400 thread-count sheets and a 600 thread-count smokey blue-colored duvet cover. What luxury! I am hoping that throwing some cash at my insomnia will do the trick.
The going-away (not to be confused with
goings-on) party was a raging success. The theme was Mark and Sunya all the way. Their Mongolian wedding played on the DVD player, the party favor was a little bag with their picture inside, we raffled off framed pics of them, and everyone brought a "memento" in which to remember them by. Couple all this with rosalicious' red and white sangria, a keg of Budweiser, Irish Car Bombs, and tons of Bourbon and you've got the makings of (sniff, sniff) the perfect send-off. Gonna miss those guys. (Pictures pending).
The Sunday Hangover is really getting old, however. Sweating on the couch watching American Pie 2 and Orange County on Comedy Central (it's MTV when Kevin is at work...he forbids it when he's home) is not my idea of a good Sunday. Maybe to some, not to me.
My brother is due to arrive any minute. I haven't given much thought to how to entertain him. Well, I do know of one way. It involves an eighth. And Water World, though that's more for me than him.
And because it wouldn't be a real post without mentioning this again, my garden is currently BURSTING with 'maters. And in an unfortunate turn of events, the dogs at the party smushed all the lettuce. Poor, sad lettuce. You were tasty while you lasted.
Happy Monday, let's hope it's a great week. One that involves some sleep and some exercise.