Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Ho Hum it's Hump Day.

This morning I found out one of my work friends has breast cancer. CANCER! What an ugly word, what a horrible situation. People get breast cancer all the time (not to make it sound like the flu or know what I mean), but it never affects you until someone you know has it. Then you're like WOW. Wow because of the uncertainty and wow because the person doesn't look or act sick and you just can't believe there is something evil and deadly growing inside.

I will actually see her go through it. My grandfather died of lung cancer, but he lived far away....I see my work friend every single day. Makes me feel really sad and scared. Regardless, I still feel pretty positive for her. Breast cancer treatment has come a long way...we have Susan Komen to thank for that.

Fingers crossed and prayers will be said.


Day 3 of Mission to Feel Good in a Bikini by Jamaica almost over. Not too shabby guys, not too shabby. Calories are being counted, glasses of wine tallied (2 so far this week), and mid-afternoon snacks shunned. I even refrained from my favorite organic blue corn tortilla chips and fresh Blue Moose salsa last night while Kevin munched away happily. That, my peeps, is an ACCOMPLISHMENT.

I am still motivated, even though it's super cold and windy and total snuggle weather. After work I am going to the School Gym, what with all the athletes and skinny sorority chicks and whathaveyous. It might be all sweaty and dirty and loud but hey, it's free.

Besides, I do love me some elliptical and US Weekly.


Have any of you ever been to Kohl's? Well, today was my first visit. That place is CHEAP! I got a bunch of Christmas presents knocked out. Got my bro a CSU hoodie for $12!! They're like $60 at the bookstore! I was pretty proud of myself for making decisions somewhat effortlessly and moving swiftly through the racks and racks of goods without so much as a tummy rumble (I've often said shopping gives me diarrhea). Although the woman pawing through the jewelry alongside me obviously was suffering from a case of the Christmas shopping pooties....WWOOO-WHEEE!

'Tis the season!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Oh weighty monster.

Fortunately, some Christmas craft ideas are slowly starting to trickle into this brain of mine.

Unfortunately, I can't tell you what they are, dear readers, as you just might be one of the lucky recipients of a piece of rosalicious' handiwork.

It's official, I'm hungry.

Now that that's out of the way, today has been not good, folks. Not good. I can't quite pinpoint the malaise, but I wish it would disappear.

Maybe it's the chill in the air.

Maybe it's the scratch in my throat.

Maybe it's the hideous outfit I'm wearing today. Brown with black? I should know better!

Whatever it is, be gone oh weighty monster. BE GONE.

P.S. Dear GAP: Your sweaters suck. I have 2 new of you and both are PILING like a mofo.

Monday, November 28, 2005

.27 lbs a day.

I know nobody wants to read this shit, but bear with me.

I'm on a diet.

That's right. 10 lbs. GONE by January 3rd, that's the goal. (See above title-that's only .27 lbs a day!)

As shallow as this is going to sound, I'm going to say it anyway. As many of you know (because I can't seem to stop talking about it), we're heading to Jamaica for my 30th Birthday. Besides the obvious--that I have to sport a bathing suit...ideally a bikini--I know we'll be taking lots of pictures. I want to be able to look back at my 30th Birthday pictures later in life and go "Damn, I looked good at 30!"

Another reason- I look FAT in all of Emily's reception pictures. SHUT UP! I do too! To me anyway.

I posted a list of RULES on the fridge, much to Kevin's delight. Not that he thinks I need to lose any weight, but because he is very much a RULES follower.

Here they are:
- Must exercise at least 4x a week
- Must not eat after 7 PM
- Must drink 2 Nalgenes of H20 a day
- Must only snack on fruits and veggies
- Must refrain from cream and sugar in coffee- lowfat milk and splenda ONLY
- Must not go for seconds
- Must watch portion size
- Must not inhale chips and salsa upon arrival home from work
- Must not indulge in french fries
- And the HARDEST more than 7 glasses of wine a week!

I think these are some pretty good rules. I always fail at limiting myself to NO CARBS and this way I'm being realistic about it--I think I can eat normally....I just need to, well, eat less. I think making some small adjustments (the wine will be hard!) and upping the exercise will work, no?

If James Frey can stop drinking and smoking crack, I can certainly shed a few tummy rolls by the big birthday.

Good friends, good food, and A LOT of wine.

Thanksgiving 2005
Originally uploaded by Rosalicious.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

This is one tradition that never dies.

Each year around this time I feel myself getting swept up in the Christmas hype. I want to decorate and trim and bake and wrap gifts and deck the halls.....immediately. I'm ready to go out and buy a tree TODAY. I want to be more prepared this year, ahead of the game on gifts, more creative, more organized, more festive, more...more....more....MORE **IS** the Christmas mantra, is it not?

Inevitably, I end up waiting 'til the last minute on everything, getting stressed, and scrooging out....thus my love/hate relationship with Christmas. The love part is now--end of November-beginnning of December, when all the lights come out and the music is still not annoying, and you can't wait to bring out the Christmas decor and lovingly remember who and where that sweet little angel ornament came from. The hate part comes along around the middle of December, when I still haven't come up with the perfect Christmas craft, I've spent too much money because I couldn't make up my mind on gifts and consequently bought wayyy too much to compensate, and half the tree has been eaten by the dog.


So this year, like each year before it, the Rosie Tradition of Promising to Start Early and Be Prepared and Be Merry and Not Overspend and Coming Up With the Perfect Original Gift for Everyone perseveres. I might get STARTED.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I am thankful for the relationship I have with the person I know I am meant to be with.

I am thankful he loves me and puts up with my shenanigans.

I am thankful for being gainfully employed in a job that allows me to pay my bills and enjoy life and take vacations and for having a job that doesn't stress me out.

I am thankful that I have the bestest, cutest, sweetest, most well-behaved little fur balls in the world.

I am thankful for my family and that they have taught me how to laugh and have a good time.

I am thankful that I wasn't given a free ride in life.

I am thankful that I have some of the most fun-loving and trustworthy girlfriends in the world....I want to list you all but I'm scared I might forget someone!

I am thankful that my best friends will always be my best friends and that they and I will never underestimate the power and necessity of girlfriendship.

I am thankful I am not allergic to wine.

I am thankful that I am a redhead, with freckles.

I am thankful for my creativity.

I am thankful that I have no major health problems.

I am thankful that, most of the time, I have the sense to know better.

I am thankful that I don't have a sweet tooth.

I am thankful for down quilts, and hot baths, and trashy novels and for having the time to indulge myself guiltlessly.

I am thankful that 2 1/2 years from now GWB will be out of office.

I am thankful for the things in life that are challenging and for the things I gain from dealing with them.

I am thankful for change and the uncomfortableness of it.

I am thankful for Colorado and its conduciveness to my lifestyle.

I am thankful for my weekly yoga class.

I am thankful for NetFlix and the Library.

I am thankful for living in a house with garden space and a fenced-in yard.

I am thankful that I am a lucky girl, with so much more than many people.

I am thankful that I care enough to feel sad about it.

I am thankful I am able to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with some of my best friends this year.

It's so important to give thanks. I wish I did it more often.

What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Pepper panic, toe jam, and the need to tell more stories.

Poor Kev. Last night while making us a Mexican pie he had a bout with the jalepeno pepper. Boy, it got him something good. All around the mouth and in the schnozz. Do you think it's bitchy of me to say that that was nature's way of telling him he needed to slow down on the booger-picking? Ummm, yeah--I'm only kidding. Sort of. At least it wasn't in the weiner area this time....we've had some problems downtown before.

I wasn't in the mood, but I ran during lunch. And now I feel good. Good, because the feeling of going home after work and not worrying about running is just too too sweet. But man, my toe hurts. My knee does too, as I ate shit on some ice outside the library during lunch on Friday. I seem to fall a lot. I don't typically think of myself as a clumsy let's blame it on the Dansko clogs, 'kay? Damn ankle twisters...

I am a little worried about all my recent drinking. And.....That's all you get about that. (I'm reading Oprah's newest promotion, "A Million Little Pieces." Reading it, OK, I see I am not so bad off.) Megan says I am just giving my tolerance a little boost for the holidays. Leave it to a fellow Capricorn to rationalize the guilt away! Is a bottle of wine all to my lonesome something to be worried about?


I'm practicing not caring what anyone thinks.

Moving on...I love finding a good blog. Here's one: Callalillie. She has cute cats. Why are all my favorite bloggers New Yorkers? Doesn't Denver have anyone who blogs?

You know, I need to think of a good story to tell you. This haphazard late afternoon blogging is for the mo'fo' BIRDS.

Remind me to tell you about Puffy Vagina.

P.S. What do y'all think of the new look? I think I might just like it! The colors might be a little too prissy, maybe a little too "country geese-ish", but all in all....not too bad. The colors are easy to change, should I decide on a new combo.

Monday, November 21, 2005


Mondays always find me wrought with anxiety....last night I broke down and tried an Ambien. It didn't keep me asleep. Rather, I woke up to swimming thoughts and fears and wicked dreams. NOT a good night sleep, whatsoever. It was actually very surreal--I felt really really weird and kind of scared and VERY drugged. When I went to bed I even thought to myself--how will I feel if I wake up on this stuff?

We saw "Walk the Line" last night. It was thoroughly enjoyable. I just love Reese Witherspoon. Somebody told me once that I looked like her and had her Southern sensibility... I took it as a big wonderful compliment (even though I don't see it so much). She is cute-as-a-button. And the girl can sing! Her role as June Carter looked like such fun--if I ever fancied myself an actress I'd love a role like that. And Joaquin Phoenix did a phenomenal job as well. I am certainly no movie critic--I go by what I enjoy and how far away the movie takes me. All I can say about Joaquin is....brooding. And sexy eyes. Even his lip thing is kind of sexy.

I am sooo unmotivated on this whole template change--I though it would revitalize me but so far, no dice. Hang in there.

Friday, November 18, 2005

A new look in store.

I love new outfits.
I love rearranging furniture.
I love a haircut.
I love different restaurants.

I love change, and that's what this is.

A much cleaner looking template, no?

It needs some personalization, but I've just given myself a project for the weekend.

No going back now!

You know, the normal stuff.

Well, how about that. Here we are again, killing that last hour until I'm set free for TWO WHOLE DAYS! I love weekends. I also love that next week is a short week. The kind of week where you don't get much done because hey, it's a holiday week.

We're doing something different this year for Turkey Day. While we will miss our usual Thanksgiving buds tremendously (Hi Mark, Sunya, and Mrs. T! We'll try to play some Jenga and eat Kevin's homemade green bean casserole in your honor!), we will be spending the holidays with my OTHER family - Em, Sara, and Megan (and corresponding men). I can't believe that in 6 years of all of us living out here I have never eaten a Thanksgiving meal with them. So, if you're wondering where rosalicious, k-dog, and lulie-bird are feasting on the day of giving thanks, we'll be up in snowy Frisco, CO....after running the Turkey Trot, that is. Now that's what I call a guilt-free Thanksgiving meal!

I organized a happy hour for after work today. I purposely left certain individuals off the email invite--so "office politics" of me, I know. But if you can't be bothered to at least mumble a "Good Morning" back when I pass you in the hall, then I can't be bothered to deal with your snobby presence over dollar beers at a dive bar. (Not like you'd come anyway.) I don't understand how people can be so blatantly rude. Even if I don't care for someone I still manage to exchange pleasantries- in the south that's what we call MANNERS.

I have a hard time being mean and petty. This may come as a shocker to some of you, I know. But I do feel guilty and truly want to be nice and friendly to everyone...and I do try. I can't help that I have a fiery streak that comes out every so often. (Again, shocker....but this time in the sarcastic sense). Like at the Front Porch the other night...I swear, that place brings on some serious aggression. Once I had a guy who was being rude to me denied entrance. The other night, I sprung around on my bar stool and called some chick a fucking bitch. A girl fight was about to ensue! Apparently she was being a difficult patron to my bartender friend. Which is no excuse really....but I was rearing to go. I have never been bitch-slapped, nor do I ever want to be....but I definitely think I could hold my own. For a little while at least.

Speaking of fighting, I'll let you in on a little secret: I am addicted to The OC. I can't help it! That show rocks my immature socks off. Kevin hates it, of course, and makes fun of Ryan Atwood for always getting into fights. Well, last night I informed Kevin that he should be proud--the whole episode dealt with Ryan properly channeling his anger and using his head instead of his hands. And to no avail, I tried to explain to Kevin the whole Ryan Atwood good-guy persona and that he really fights evil (Oh my god did I just say that?!?? How George Bush of me.), but you Kevin really gives a shit. Like you really give a shit, right?

Kevin is currently on the whole "shows like The OC and Laguna Beach are ruining society" kick, and while I don't disagree with him, he needs to lighten up a little--right baby? As Jonathan so eloquently put it, "it is what it is." May I make you laugh by telling you that Kevin threatened to force-feed me McDonald's and kidnap me to Wal-Mart if I keep watching this crap? HA!

I was just waiting for an opportunity to tell Kev to lighten up because after all, yesterday morning he informed me I needed to lighten up about my zit! Impossible...this thing's a honker. I was in near tears over it.

I've got other stuff happening, but this is all you get for now. My office needs tidying before the weekend. (Yes, I know. I can't help myself.)

Happy happy, to you and yours.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

No pain, no gain.

Because we are running the Turkey Trot next week, and because I am a very naughty girl with lots of cardiovascular repenting to do, I brought my running attire into work today so I might go for a little jog on my lunch hour.

But it's snowing! SNOWING! Who knew it was supposed to do that?

So instead, I trot my turkey butt over to the Golden Community Center and decide to attend a class called "Total Fitness."

Lord, that shit kicked my ass. I mean, truly.

I really thought I was in pretty decent shape--I can run 3-4 miles relatively easily, do a pretty rigorous Vinyasa practice--but this class completely made me feel like one schlumpy frumpy aerobic loser.

Obviously I need to step it up a little, no matter how hard it hurts. And damn, it hurt.

P.S. We used The Step. Seriously, I thought step class was so 80's. Although come to think of it, the instructor looked like she was pretty stuck there herself. Leotards? Sweatband? Scrunchie? I shouldn't be so catty--she looked a HELL of a lot better than I.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I think I'm a good professional. I think?

Today at lunch I attended a seminar that was part Management, part Leadership, part Time Management, part Change in the Workplace. In other words, it was a real smorgasboard of how to be a really superduper PROFESSIONAL.

(Which I am, of course.)

Snarkiness aside, the two things from this seminar that I found pertinent to my current professional state of affairs is 1) Am I good and motivating manager and 2)What are my values and do they translate into the place where I spend so much of my time?

Big questions, people. Big juicy questions.

I think I am a pretty good manager, if anything, based on the fact that I am well aware of what it's like to be poorly managed. Bad management is when you are all like eh about what you're doing because hey, your manager is just eh. Good management is when you're all like "hey, my boss is pretty frickin' smart and works hard, I want to aspire to that."

But since we all know professional development seminars are about just that, I'd say the areas that I could improve upon are delegation (most managers spend time doing things they could assign to subordinates--I am SO guilty of this. Rather than show someone how to do something, I'd rather do it myself), enthusiasm (uhhhh, yeah. But I am heavy-handed with the praise. THAT I do quite well), and running effective meetings (I hate meetings. My staff and I do quite well without a formal meeting. We just go into each others' offices whenever we need something). I also have a hard time walking the line between BOSS and cool CO-WORKER friend.

And to pontificate on part 2) from above, the speaker did a little presentation involving rocks and sand and the filling up of a cup to demonstrate how we prioritize the things that matter in work and in life. It begged the question: What are the personal values that I'm honoring here at the "Community School of Minds?"

Education, I guess, is a no brainer. I also value philanthropy, and people who believe in something enough to support it financially. I believe in powerful and honest written messages and maintaining strong lines of communication. I value productivity and efficiency and organization and resource-savings. I value good grammar and the proper use of apostrophes.

I DO put these things first, each and every day. So I must be doing something right. But are these the values that will ultimately lead to my success in my job? Well, I hope so.


(This is kind of off the subject, but I just read that checking your email incessantly actually makes you dumber. Studies show that your IQ actually drops every time you hear that "DING" and click over to see what's come in. I must be a total "ding bat"--get it?!!-- because I check email like my life depends on it. Who needs IM, I say!?)

And on another note for another day, I have been feeling kind of dumbed down lately. Kevin will blame it on Laguna Beach. I blame it on my lack of theoretical discourse. And maybe all that wine.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Kevin just called to tell me that Lucy farted, twice, and when she did her ears perked up in surprise, after which she swung around to sniff her own butt.

Seeing as we're the ones who ate the leftover chili for dinner last night, I'd say this a prime example of puppy imitating her owners.

Monday, November 14, 2005


This morning
I am cranky
and anxious
sitting in traffic
and getting frustrating
messages and stuff
going awry in the business
of raising money
My coffee is cold
my computer runs updates
and a meeting has got
me jostled and feeling
I hope the day gets better
oh and did I mention
I woke up and my pants
seem to have shrunk?

Friday, November 11, 2005

20 minutes and counting...

20 minutes and counting to my weekend....

Just ate 2 bags of Cool Ranch Doritos--2 because the first bag got stuck on the coil thingy in the vending machine, so had to buy a 2nd bag in order to push original down. Yep, ate them both. And a Diet Coke. On slow afternoons such as this, I'm weak.

Bob Marley is on the radio. Jamaica, I can't wait to visit you! I hope that reggae is all we hear for SIX SOLID DAYS. I hope we hear so much reggae while we're in Jamaica that I never want to hear it again. It's music that makes me feel so good. It's so summery. It will be perfect for my wintery old withery 30-year-old self! Just perfect.

Nothing much is in store for the weekend. I'm pooped after last weekend (and broke). Jonathan and Jen are coming over for chili and football on Sunday. Tonight we will most likely watch "A Very Long Engagement." I've got to tell you, I am not psyched about the movie. It actually looks rather snore-ific. I've been putting off watching it, but alas...if I want a new movie I need to buckle down and watch. Those are household Netflix rules: nothing goes returned unwatched.

Well, color me gabby, but I do believe I have done an extraordinary amount of posting in days of late. Are you reading?

Who has been reading?


It's couch time.

Well, I did it. I made an appointment to see a therapist. I'm nervous, I hope I like her! I envision myself going to a safe place where I can just expel all my worries and anxieties and consequently get good, nonjudgmental, unbiased feedback. I hope this therapist can do that for me. (I hope also she has good decorations in her office.)

Honestly? I don't mind being on Celexa. I know that the right thing to do is complement it with therapy, but I'm not going to go see a shrink just so I can get off the drugs. Maybe my view on that will change....but I really don't mind. I feel good: what's so wrong with that? Is it really harming me physically to take what I take? The only bad I see in it at the current time is the support of the drug company corporate monstrosity....but whatevs. You can't win everything.

I hate the stigma behind SSRIs, hate it. Hardly anyone says (aside from other people also on them), "You know, that's great you're taking medication, Rosie. I'm so happy it's making you feel better." It's all..."Why are you on it?"... "Why do YOU need it?"..."How long are you going to take it?"..."You're not going to be on it forever are you?"..."When are you going to stop taking it?"

It's not something that can be summed up in a sentence or two, the reason I'm on it. The receptionist who just scheduled my appointment asked me what I was coming in for. %&%%^%???!!!!$#%%&^%^!!!!! Because I'm a crazy type-A anal anxious worrywort of a human being who needs to deal with some issues pronto? (Actually, that does about sum it up.)

Anyway, yay me. I've got the physical part under control (that's what my magic pills are for, silly!) Now I'm undertaking the gargantuan task of dealing with the shit racing around in this little red head of mine.

Congratulations and support are in order.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

1 am revelations and such.

Alrighty, so I am a bit of a chatterbox today. Can you believe I woke up at 1 am last night (after a horrible dream, which I'll tell you about in just a sec) thinking of things I wanted to blog about? This isn't the first time this has happened. My racing mind often contributes to my insomnia--which I haven't had in awhile, luckily--but should insomnia rear its ugly head, I came home from Auntie's with a nice little stash of Ambien and Xanax. Mind you, I took one said Xanax on the chopppy plane ride home and did it help? NO.

Anyway, I had a wedding dream/nightmare last night. No surprise, given that we just wrapped up Wedding Season 2005 with a final grand total of 5 weddings. I woke up quite the dream, our wedding was half-assed thrown together. We forgot the vows, to which I replied we would simply write our own real quick. Kevin wasn't having it and in the dream, rosalicious was FRUSTRATED with his lack of creativity to write something from the heart. Kevin also would not help address invites and would not call anyone up to invite them, so nobody showed up. I was wearing a dress that was way too big and bunched up like a diaper in the back. Kevin also refused to buy me a ring, saying it was irrelevant and that we just needed to "get it over with." I was devastated.

When I woke up this morning I made Kevin promise that we would write our own vows. He agreed and also told me he would be sure to get me a ring. Whoopppeeee! Now, don't go getting your hopes up. We need a breather from wedding world. A good 2 year breather would be just fine. And if this isn't nerdy...I also told Kevin he wouldn't even have to do invites because I would have all the names in an excel spreadsheet and would simply do a word merge and print out mail labels. I mean, isn't this the obvious solution?

We watched "Mad Hot Ballroom" last night and BOY did that make me want to learn to dance! Especially the merengue. Love that sexy latin hip giration! Happily, Kevin is down with dance lessons! We're going to do it.

The thing about turning 30 soon that bothers me is that life has just been steadily passing me by. I go to work at my comfy but uneventful well-paying job, come home, put on jammies, watch some boob tube, make dinner, read, maybe take a bath, go to sleep. Next day: rinse, repeat. So boring! I am happy and content, but what about finding my dream? Learning new things? I don't even know what I want to "be," what I'm passionate about! I am living the life of a middle-aged woman (albeit the periodic drinking binges) without the middle-age! I am almost 30 and what do I know?

I know that life is short. I want to take classes and learn and write a book and be somebody with a lot of interesting experiences under her belt. I am not at all bothered by the fact that I'm not married yet, or don't have any kids yet, or that I have crow's feet around my eyes and a tummy roll. All OK by me. I am bothered that I am not living each day to the fullest and that I am constantly looking forward instead of looking directly at where I am RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.

I just found this.

I just found this, written by a psychiatrist, on someone else's blog:

"However: I think when someone is focusing energy on maintaining ties with people they once dated, etc. it means a real ambivalence about the level of commitment that person has to their current partner. It means he wants to keep his options open. It doesn't mean a lack of love, but it means he doesn't want to send the clear message: You are the most important person in my life and that's all I really care about."

This is exactly what I mean when I say I think it's weird and uncomfortable that my ex tries so hard to keep close ties with me even though it's been nearly 7 years since we dated. I don't hate him or have any hard feelings and I think he's truly a nice and decent guy. I would even venture to say I valued and learned a lot from the relationship we had. I was so young, he was my first love, and that shaped me.

But he's married now! I have always wondered what his new wife thinks of my lingering presence in his life and this past weekend at the reception, well, I asked her.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

25 things I remember and don't remember about Em and Crawford's reception.

1. Me, seeing Emily and Chris smoking cigarettes in front of the Harbor Court Hotel before the reception and admiring how cool it was that they got to see each other and not worry about the tradition of hiding the bride from the groom.

2. Me, telling Kevin I wanted him to take a picture of my favorite yoga move and then busting out a pose that is not my favorite one at all!

3. Sheila's husband, saying to Megan "nice boobs" and her saying "thanks!" all nonchalantly while tossing her hair back.

4. Me, puking on the bar in our room because I thought there was a sink there.

5. Watching bad ass street break dancers on the harbor mall.

6. Me, in the fancy-schmancy Harbor Court lobby at 8 am the morning after, croaking at the concierge that I needed a vending machine. She, glancing disapprovingly at my rumpled hungover self, informing me that there are no vending machines in the Harbor Court.

7. Me, purchasing 2 croissants, some gatorade and a fruit punch in the coffee shop instead. I bought the croissants only because I was using my credit card and didn't want to charge less than $5.

8. Emion, declaring "Who actually buys fruit punch!?"

9. Jamie Finch, (and I still call her that just 'cause I like the name Finch) saying she felt like a country girl in her outfit.

10. Tucker, who saw 2 alligators humping at the aquarium, says the gators were "pushin' each other." He's 3.

11. Emion, Sara, and Megan pouncing on me and Kevin in the bed. Not budging.

12. Danny, telling his Dad he wants a shirley temple to drink in the bar. So cute.

13. Rob, dancing like a mad man in the window of the ballroom, then getting down and telling everyone his heart is racing. Rob = the quintessential 40+ year old dad. Although funny thing is- he's not even 30 yet.

14. Me, demanding in the mike that everyone needs to come dance NOW. From eloquent emcee to beotch emcee.

15. Me, spilling the beans about the ex's wedding invite scandal. Either excuses or mortification were abound- not sure which.

16. Me, charging drinks in the bar to the room.

17. Shots. Big ones.

18. KB. Chronic. Yeah, you know. That was pretty much the end of me.

19. Me, telling Em's grandma Roweena that I am sometimes called that as a nickname.

20. Me, introducing Kevin to people from the past.

21. Em and Crawford, looking lovely.

22. Wine and whiskey.

23. Me, being smart enough to leave my purse in the room.

24. Me, still losing something- the gift from Jane, Em's Mom.

25. You, looking at pictures from the weekend HERE!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wherein I can't post about the weekend without pictures.

Well, another wedding chewed me up and spit me out.

I was passed out face down on my hotel room bed by 12:30 am. I feel like I missed EVERYTHING. I was passed out and people were hopping on me and partying around me and I nary a budged. Nope, not a single ounce of movement from yours truly, la senorita lushness. Out cold.

Am I the new Kalan Murano?

Am I getting old?

Am I losing my rosalicious late-night party edge?

The entire weekend was a blast of reunion and family proportions. If I weren't so tired I would give y'all a gander by way of my flickr pictures, but you'll just have to wait until tomorrow.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The weirdest thing I've heard all week

is this:

Target checker: I try really hard to eat 6 slices of bread a day.

No, we weren't talking about nutrition. No, we weren't talking about food. As a matter of fact, we weren't even talking.

I think he must be "special."


Something else funny:

Megan and I all liquored up at 2 am last Friday night, needing MORE alcohol, as one always needs at that hour.

"Let's go to Cap City!"

"Yeah, great idea! Let's drive!"

(A minute later, while opening car door)

"No, I can't drive."

"I can!"


(A minute later we are drunk driving in Capitol Hill, just like that.)

And so in we walk to Cap City, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready for our next cocktail.

In the bright silence that was a closed Cap City we looked like deer in headlights. Drunk deer in headlights.


This is the BIG weekend. Em and Crawford's reception!

Tomorrow we're off to Washington DC and Baltimore, to wear nice clothes and subsequently destroy nice clothes.

It's going to be all Charlie Daniels dancing, shot taking, cake eating, hotel staying, late night partying, Rosie grabbing the mike and singing, raging, 'n shit.

The day after, we go to the Smithsonian with family to culture the hangovers out of us.

Look for the complete recap on Tuesday!


Have a smashing weekend, peeps.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Election update.

Initiative 100?

I'll be damned if it didn't PASS.

It's now legal to possess an ounce or less of pot in the city of Denver.

P.S. Referendum C also passed. D failed, but I'm not shedding any tears....

We can smoke weed! Weeeeeedddddd! This just goes to show that it's not only dirty hippies who toke's 53% of Denver!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Yep, still a liberal.

I voted today and I hope if you live in Denver that you did too.

Faithful readers, remember my rant about Referenda C and D? Well, I voted YES! And whole-heartedly, I might add. I was starting to scare myself.

I also voted yes on the iniative that would make it legal to possess an ounce or less of weed in the state of Colorado. Viva La Mary Jane, I say! Viva La Melissa Etheridge! Viva La Cancer Patients Everywhere!

Speaking of the need for weed, I'm feeling heavy, achy, and run down. I haven't been sleeping well. I'm sure the weekend drinking bender has absolutely nothing to do with it, right?! I'm redeeming myself tonight at yoga, if I don't collapse in a heap on my office floor first.