Off to ol' Virginny...
Have a great weekend everyone!
In an effort to kick some pharmaceutical company ass (ie. stop taking their drugs), I have enrolled in what I'll affectionately call "mental health school."
I've made no bones about the fact that I hate shopping. Hate, with a capital H! But, you know, since I am relatively style-conscious (NOT trendy, there is a difference), every once in awhile it becomes a necessary evil.
I had a pretty crummy weekend (did I just say crummy?). Guilt, anxiety, insomnia, hangover, weird dreams...just not that great of a weekend. Because I've already unloaded all my shit in my other, PRIVATE journal, and because rosalicious is typically full of goodness and light, I present you with a few shining stars from the past 2 days:
I am a victim of Netflix crime! I came home last night to find my Netflix DVD in the mailbox, shrouded in a plastic bag with a big ol' sticker from the USPS saying "WE CARE."
If you are like me and enjoy perusing Craigslist on your lunch hour (er, or anytime during the day), please enjoy this little tale...
I stayed up late last night, engrossed in the book I'm currently reading: Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities by Alexandra Robbins. Hush now, I hear you snickering....yeah, you! (Alright, maybe there is a reason I am reading it while Kevin is out of town...I get enough shit as it is!)
To my enormous delight, I just discovered that WEEN tickets at Red Rocks go on sale this Saturday. Ween is amongst my all-time favorite bands. Top three, definitely. The last time they were in CO it was near impossible to get tickets since it was at such a small venue.
In the past week I have had 3 different people stress to me the importance of a pedicure.
What a difference a good night of sleep makes!
I'm feeling kind of glum this morning. It's all cold and snowy on this first day of spring! I am just yearning for some warm weather. Not to mention the paranoia that is leaving the house unattended when it's this cold....(PIPES!)
Saturday night: I am sitting on the floor in the dining room drinking a delicious Sangiovese. itunes is playing "Joey" by Bob Dylan. I just made homemade soup (Portugese Vegetable) and a broccoli and onion quiche. Lucy is next to me--she got a really good strong run today. Hendrix's new kittysitter came by to meet us--she seems cool (even though she was 2 hours late). It's been a good day!
I feel like shit everytime I wear this outfit....why do you wear it then, you ask? Actually, your first question probably is: what is it? Well, it is a now too-big pair of striped brown trousers (I hate this word and so I guess it adequately describes these pants) from Old Navy. They feel and look extraordinarily unflattering. With it, I am wearing a white button down that actually fits quite nicely now with this weight loss--the boob area is no longer gaping open for all to see.
There has been a steady stream of hostility aimed at me over the last week or two. Granted, a lot of it has been uncontrollable...I am just the "middle man," so to speak. It's part of my job.
I told Kevin that my readership (if you can call it that) was down last week and he countered that maybe no one is all that interested in reading about my fast.
Ha! Ha! Someone came to my blog last night because they googled "spanking machine." Hilarious. It is interesting to see how people find you--I've gotten a lot of hits from people who google "patagucci" and a few from googling "the perfect petal." I ended up deleting that particular post because when you google "the perfect petal" my blog comes up on the first page--and I didn't exactly say the most flattering things about the shop. Damage control, you know. I never want to hurt anyone's feelings.
Jeez...I'm struggling hard right now. This sucks, this is so painful. I have 1.5 more days of this. Rumble rumble. Irritation. Headache. Lack of concentration. Boredom.
In preparation for my new impending relationship with food, I am fasting. Spring cleaning, so to speak. And I feel....
Biggie Purrs and kitty mama are doing well, despite circumstances. Today's vet visit was somewhat of a relief....Mr. Purrs should be just fine once we get his blood glucose levels stable.
I am closed up in my office crying right now. I just talked to the vet. Hendrix has diabetes! I have to shoot him up with a needle everyday!
A lot of nothingbuteverything has been running through my head today...